School of Medicine

UConn Health's Calhoun Cardiology Center doctors are now offering heart failure patients tiny, implantable sensors so their chronic condition can be closely monitored while they are at home (Photo by Abbott).

Tiny Microchip Monitoring Heart Failure Patients at Home

Cardiologists at UConn Health are now using tiny, implantable sensors to remotely monitor heart failure patients at home daily to discover immediately if their heart condition worsens and before symptoms arise.

UConn Health Raises Standard for Stroke Treatment With New Imaging Technique

Using the latest in neuroimaging, UConn Health offers a new standard of care for patients who've suffered the most common type of stroke.

UConn becomes Connecticut's first National Academy of Inventors chapter location.

UConn Launches Chapter of National Academy of Inventors

UConn has founded Connecticut’s first chapter of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). The new UConn NAI chapter is home to three distinguished UConn and UConn Health researchers who are NAI Fellows: Drs. Cato T. Laurencin, Pramod K. Srivastava, and Lakshmi Nair.

UConn Center of Aging at UConn Health is one of the 14 planned study sites for the TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) clinical trial hoping to soon test the additional ability of a popular diabetes drug to slow the development of a cluster of aging-related diseases such as cancer, dementia and cardiovascular diseases (UConn Health/Janine Gelineau).

Researchers Aim to Slow Down Aging

Imagine if you could apply the brakes to aging? That’s exactly what a team of researchers from across the country, including UConn Health's Dr. George Kuchel, hopes to begin exploring in the largest clinical trial of its kind testing the greater power of the most common diabetes drug. Researchers will discuss the planned clinical trial at the upcoming Forum on Healthcare Innovation Oct. 25-26 at the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine.

Top 10 Ways to Age Well

Dr. George Kuchel and his team of geriatric medicine experts of the UConn Center on Aging at UConn Health offer 10 top tips for aging well.

Photo by Dr. Robert Fuller of UConn Health showing the destruction he is witnessing in Puerto Rico by Hurricane Maria.

ER Doctor in Puerto Rico Reports on Hurricane Maria’s Devastating Magnitude

Dr. Robert Fuller, chair of emergency medicine at UConn Health, just arrived to Puerto Rico to respond to the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria and shared an update about how every single person in the country is being affected by the magnitude of the hurricane’s impact.

UConn Health Physician Offers First-Person Account from the Hurricane Zone

UConn Health’s Dr. Natalie Moore is in the U.S. Virgin Islands offering medical assistance to residents who’ve been pummeled by Hurricane Irma and now Maria. Moore is the first International Disaster Emergency Medicine Fellow at UConn Health and is also a UConn Masters of Public Health candidate.

UConn Health EMS Coordinator, Peter Canning, addressing the more than 100 experts attending the statewide forum examining ways to stop the growing opioid epidemic in Connecticut (UConn Health Photo).

Statewide Forum Examines Opioid Overdose Epidemic

More than 100 experts gathered at UConn Health on Sept. 20 for a statewide forum examining the opioid overdose epidemic and ways to combat the growing crisis.

Research Award Roundup September 2017

Ephraim Trakhtenberg, assistant professor of neuroscience, won an Interstellar Initiative honor from the New York Academy of Sciences and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. Most recently he was awarded “First Place – Outstanding Early Career Investigator Team Presentation in Neurocience.” In March he and collaborator Kumiko Hayashi of Tohoku University in Japan […]

Two former graduate students of UConn School of Medicine, Megan B. Miller, Ph.D. and Keshia Ashe, have been awarded AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF). q

UConn Graduates Named AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellows

Two former graduate students of UConn School of Medicine have been awarded prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF).