Neag School of Education

Mother and teenage sons gather around laptop to learn remotely.

UCAPP Projects Engage Families in Supporting Student Learning

Neag School students completing the UConn Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) this spring recently presented their capstone projects – the program’s signature final assignment in which students identify a need or opportunity for school improvement and work toward positive change. The UCAPP program went through a redesign in 2020 as part of a nationwide effort known as the University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI), funded by the Wallace Foundation. As a result of the redesign, the concept of family and parent engagement became a priority for the first organizational leadership course in UCAPP’s program of study.

Six winners of Fulbright Program Grants

Six UConn Students Receive Fulbright Program Grants

UConn had an all-time high of 17 semifinalists for the Fulbright Student Program award, which includes the six finalists and three alternates.

Rachael Manzer, with her husband Ken, receives a 4-H leadership award in 2019. Manzer, a STEM educator who has worked with NASA, is a doctoral candidate in the Neag School of Education. (Courtesy of Defining Studios)

For 4-H Leader and Neag Student, Learning is a Lifelong Process

'To me as a kid, UConn was this big, amazing place'

Neag School Researchers Developing Computational Thinking Unit for High School Biology Classes

As computational thinking becomes an increasingly important part of STEM fields, a group of researchers is developing a program to prepare high school students with these skills.

Isabella Gradante works with young student.

Neag School Grad Supports Literacy, Leadership at Local School

Isabella “Bella” Gradante ’20 (ED), ’21 MA says she always knew she would pursue a career in education, having been raised by a family of educators and around schools her whole life. It wasn’t until she entered her master’s year in the Neag School’s Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IB/M) program that she found what truly called her to the field: the practice of culturally relevant and sustaining teaching.

Miguel Cardon at Commencement Podium

‘The Beginning is in Sight,’ Cardona Tells UConn Graduates

The US Secretary of Education reflected on his own experiences as a UConn graduate

UConn Selected to Help Create National Network on Emotional Wellbeing Research

A trio of UConn researchers are developing an interdisciplinary network to advance scientific understanding of emotional wellbeing.

Jenna Racca smiles in front of a UConn banner.

Class of 2021 Senior Profile: Jenna Racca

As Commencement approaches, we are featuring some of our Neag School Class of 2021 graduating seniors over the coming days.

Angelica Gaspar

Class of 2021 Senior Profile: Angelica Gaspar

As Commencement approaches, we are featuring some of our Neag School Class of 2021 graduating seniors over the coming days.

Daniel Tavares explains a topic during Neag School's curriculum conference.

Class of 2021 Senior Profile: Daniel J. Tavares

As Commencement approaches, we are featuring some of our Neag School Class of 2021 graduating seniors over the coming days.