Neag School of Education

The USDA's food plate makes it easy for children to understand healthy eating. (Photo courtesy of Meriden Board of Education)

After-School Exercise and Nutrition Program Reaches Out to Urban School Children

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Neag School of Education have joined forces to bring an after-school program to urban children.

Teacher-Turned-Author Inspired by Personal Experiences

Lynda Mullaly-Hunt, Neag graduate and former third-grade teacher, admits that she wasn’t always an aspiring author. “Most authors say that they’ve wanted to write since they could chew on a crayon,” says Mullaly-Hunt, “but that wasn’t true for me.” She says she wrote One for the Murphys, a middle school-aged novel published in May by Penguin […]

Neag School Welcomes New Faculty and Staff Members

The Neag School of Education extends a warm welcome, and offers big congratulations, to recently hired faculty and staff members, including: Tutita Casa Spending much of her time focused on ways to help elementary students better engage in in-depth mathematical thinking and more effectively communicate about math, Tutita Casa, PhD, is a former fifth- and […]

New Opportunities Come With Sport Management-Educational Leadership Pairing

Because Sport Management is more about educating students to become leaders in the sport industry than exercise scientists, athletic trainers or physical therapists, the program has transitioned out of the Department Kinesiology and into the Department of Educational Leadership. Both are within UConn’s Neag School of Education. Sport Management faculty offices are now located in […]

Diversity Outreach Dinner Shows Teaching Needs and Rewards

As a child, New Britain High School teacher Violet Sims, who is Afro-Caribbean, never imagined she could one day become a teacher because, as she put it, “I never had a teacher who looked like me.” As a student, “I couldn’t relate to anyone,” Sims told the more than 65 guests who recently attended the […]

African Native Finds True Calling in Pursuing Education, then Becoming an Educator

In the United States, children typically begin formal education once they turn five or six years old, but this is not always the norm in other countries. Zato Kadambaya, a Neag School of Education alum, started first grade when he was 11 years old. Born in Togo — a small West African nation where children […]

Photo of fast food.

Neag Study: School Psychologists Can Play Key Role in Reducing Obesity, Raising Scores

The link between students' weight and their academic outcomes is the focus of a study by researchers in the Neag School of Education.


On the Syllabus This Semester: Vampires

Assistant professor Pam Bedore teaches an English class on vampire fiction as a literary genre.

Michael Coyne, associate professor of educational psychology, reads with a group of first, second and third graders at the Windham Center School on Oct. 11, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Team Leads the Way on Intensive Early Reading Initiative

As part of the new Connecticut Education Reform Law, the Neag School of Education directs a $1.77 million program aimed at narrowing the reading achievement gap.

Retired Educator Pledges Estate to Endow Scholarship Fund

As a biology teacher and department head for E.O. Smith High School in Storrs, Jack Cohen helped educate young people for most of his life. Retired in 1989 after 31 years, Cohen still believes deeply in the value of education and has decided to support it even after he is gone.  Cohen has pledged his considerable estate […]