Community Impact

Hartford Calls on UConn Health to Make Restaurant Dining Healthier

UConn Health and the UConn Husky Programs have worked with local restaurants in the North End of Hartford to create healthier menu options that can be offered to its dining community members.

Mostafa Analoui

Everything You Wanted to Know About Entrepreneurship, But Were Afraid to Ask

Mentorship program connects business hopefuls with industry experts

UConn’s Gilman Scholars Samantha Valle ’24 (CLAS), Marissa White ’25 (CAHNR), Geraldine Uribe ’23 (CLAS), Guerlina Philogne ’24 (CLAS) (BUS), Rose Pacik-Nelson ’23 (CLAS), and Grace Coburn ’23 (CLAS) posing in the lobby at UConn Hartford.

UConn Produces An All-Time High 17 Gilman Scholars

Each Gilman Scholar is required to complete a service project upon their return from studying abroad in their campus or home community

collage of portraits

Consortium Honors 4 From UConn Health

The Capital Area Health Consortium recognizes two residents, Drs. Meghana Singh and Nancy Presnick, for their work in the community, honors Dr. Scott Allen for his distinguished service, and awards a scholarship to Mariam Zacharias, who’s studying to become a nurse practitioner.

collage of student cyclists outdoors with their bicycles and cycling gear

Podcast: Cycling Coast to Coast to Help Kids

A UConn dental student and two medical students are spending their last free summer pedaling cross-country to raise money for the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Hear their thoughts from the day before they left in early June.

CT Sea Grant Supports Shellfish Industry Through Pandemic and Beyond

Helping shellfish farmers' businesses keep running during 'crisis mode' and emerge better off

Breaking Barriers – the First Patient in the World Receives Moderna mRNA Trial Infusion for Glycogen Storage Disease at UConn Health

Loveah Hernandez, a brave 20-year-old from Texas, is contributing to science as the first person in the world to receive the Moderna mRNA infusion as part of the Ba1ance Trial for GSD-Ia at UConn Health.

Athena’s Warriors 4-H Team from Hartford, CT (Contributed photo)

UConn 4-H Brings High Tech to Connecticut Youth

A unique program gives Connecticut youth the chance to gain skills in STEM and see the world

Students playing the cello, violin, and piano who are participating in the Jorgensen Outreach for Youth program

Jorgensen Conservatory Program Helps Area Teens Find JOY! in Music

'It's completely changed my life. I wouldn't be a professional musician without it'

Group of people meeting outside

Reflecting on the Impact of Conservation Training Partnerships

While UConn’s unique Conservation Training Partnerships program has concluded its five-year run, the environmental projects it inspired and relationships it established continue to support Connecticut communities