Community Impact

An eviction notice affixed to a front door.

UConn Law Establishes Eviction Defense Clinic

Connecticut recently became one of only three states with a Right to Counsel law in cases of eviction or loss of a housing subsidy

Jordan Dean in uniform in front of Air Force plane

Profile of a Veteran: Jordan Dean, UConn Medical Student

Jordan Dean is a second-year UConn medical student who served in the U.S. Air Force for eight years, achieving the rank of staff sergeant. He shares his perspective as a veteran and physician in training.

Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Awards UConn Health’s Dr. Genice Nelson

For more than two decades, Genice Nelson has been providing a voice, respect, and high quality care to sickle cell patients: “I saw that patients with sickle cell really need a voice. I felt like I could be that voice.”

Screen shot of Zofia Baumann working with oysters in hopes to help restore Connecticut’s oyster populations.

Science in Seconds: Oyster Restoration

UConn Marine Science researcher Zofia Baumann has her eyes set on restoring Connecticut’s oyster populations

The researcher team led a field tour in June attended by DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes, Deputy Commissioner Mason Trumble, Director of the Office of Climate Planning Rebecca French, and State Forester Christopher Martin.

‘The Problem is Nature Just Isn’t Natural Anymore’

As Connecticut’s trees are pushed to the brink by climate change, UConn researchers are working to help make New England woodlands more resilient

Ross and Becky Person

Ross and Becky Person Provide a Lifetime of Support to Extension & 4-H

Life-long 4-H volunteers turn their love of Extension into programs that benefit their whole community

UConn’s Dr. Cato T. Laurencin Provides Opening Remarks at the First U.S.-Africa Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium

The historic inaugural symposium was held on October 12 –14 in Nairobi, Kenya.

UConn, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Announce Partnership for Research and Innovation

An agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory leverages scientific collaboration to research renewable energy technologies at the Innovation Partnership Building at UConn Tech Park

Hot weather. Thermometer in hand in front of an urban scene during heatwave.

Smart Responses to Immediate Needs: Assessing the Scale of CT’s Urban Heat

CIRCA researchers are working to pinpoint the hottest spots in cities and help direct mitigation and policy strategies and build resilience in a changing climate

Sandy Valentine, health promotion manager for the division of Student Health and Wellness, stands outside the UConn Recovery Community’s current home in the Cordial Storrs House on Oct. 12, 2022.

‘No One is Expecting You to Be Perfect’

UConn's Recovery Community Center offers a supportive space for students, faculty, staff, and allies