Community Impact

UConn School of Medicine Associate Dean of Primary Care Bruce Gould, along with School of Medicine students Harrison Dieuveuil '25 and Samhita Gurrala '25 with Corsi-Rosenthal boxes.

UConn Health Rallying Community to Stop Spread of COVID-19

DIY air purifiers can be made in 30 minutes for $60 worth of supplies

Operation Community Impact: Still Helping Connecticut Residents in Need

Since April 2020, more than 220,000 pounds of dairy products have been delivered to Connecticut families in need

UConn Ph.D. candidate Ben Ahiadu didn't own a computer until his third year of college. He's working to change that for young students in his native Ghana (Adobe Stock).

Classrooms Without Computers: UConn Grad Student Seeking to Change that in Ghana

'These kids we are talking about are in resource-limited areas. They are at a disadvantage compared to children in bigger cities and towns'

A member of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation harvests heirloom at their farm located in North Stonington Ct. The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and UConn Extension have been collaborating thanks to a USDA Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program to enhance agricultural production, food security, and health of tribal community members.

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Establishes Tribal Department of Agriculture

UConn Extension offers assistance in developing sustainable agriculture and community education

UConn Health Heads into Hartford Public Schools with Vaccines

This holiday season the COVID-19 Vaccine Program of UConn Health headed into the Hartford Public Schools to help the community continue to fight the virus with vaccine offerings for eligible school-aged children ages 5 and above.

A generous donation will help Master Gardeners at Auerfarm in Bloomfield grow more healthy food for Foodshare clients.

Gift Helps UConn Master Gardeners Support Foodshare

An anonymous donor's gift will help volunteers provide healthy food to needy families

Redeveloped orchard land that did not have contaminated soils. Higgins says historic aerial photos showed that the trees were not planted until around 1970, which was after lead arsenate pesticides fell out of style.

Arsenic in Connecticut Wells May be a Legacy of Past Pesticide Use on Orchards

Poisons can linger in the ecosystem decades after they were last applied

A large tree limb fallen in a residential street, flanked by orange traffic cones.

Study: Tree Trimming Pays Dividends for Eversource Customers

New England’s largest investor-owned utility’s tree trimming program increases grid reliability

The new collaborative effort will see part of CIRCA housed in SGCI offices at UConn Hartford.

Closer Collaboration and Community Outreach for Urban Sustainability, Together at Hartford Campus

The partnership between CIRCA and SCGI aims to help build more environmentally sustainable and resilient cities

Three women standing in front of CVMDL sign on UConn campus

Mysteries Solved: Unique Residency Program Trains Future Pathologists

By providing a critical service to the residents of Connecticut, UConn gives veterinarians the opportunity to gain real-world professional experience in anatomic pathology