Q&A: Coronavirus and Connecticut Taxes
UConn School of Law Prof. Richard Pomp provides some insight on how the coronavirus pandemic might affect Connecticut's state and local revenues (hint: it's not a pretty picture).
April 2, 2020 | Camille Chill
Farmington and Storrs Team to Make Needed PPE for UConn Health
The collaborative efforts of medical doctors from UConn Health with engineers, scientists, and researchers from Storrs will soon produce an increased supply of personal protection equipment,
April 1, 2020 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
UConn Student Tracks Pandemic With Data
An MS student at UConn has created a website to track the spread of coronavirus in Connecticut.
April 1, 2020 | Tom Breen
Ballard Moves Puppet Workshops Online for Family Fun at Home
Undaunted by coronavirus closures, the Ballard Institute Museum of Puppetry is taking its popular puppet-making workshops online.
April 1, 2020 | Kenneth Best
Yearlong UConn Study to Look at COVID-19, Pandemic Preventative Health Behavior
UConn researcher Natalie J. Shook has received funding to study how people respond to recommended behaviors during health crises like COVID-19.
March 31, 2020 | Jaclyn Severance
“Outpouring of Support” as Researchers, Barnes & Noble Donate Lab Supplies to UConn Health
A UConn researcher's desire to help out during the coronavirus pandemic sparked a University-wide effort to collect needed supplies for UConn Health.
March 30, 2020 | Jaclyn Severance
Q&A: What COVID-19 Means For Immigration
UConn Law Prof. Valeria Gomez talks about the ways in which the coronavirus pandemic has already changed the U.S. immigration system.
March 30, 2020 | Camille Chill
How You Can Help UConn Health Fight Coronavirus
UConn Health has been overwhelmed by the generosity of people seeking to help frontline workers in the battle against COVID-19. Here's how you can help.
March 26, 2020 | Combined Reports
Amidst COVID-19 Outbreak, UConn Researchers Working on Simple, Low-Cost CRISPR-based Diagnostic Test for Infectious Diseases
UConn researchers are working to develop a simple, low-cost method of testing for coronavirus and other infectious diseases.
March 26, 2020 | Courtney Chandler
UConn’s Dr. Anthony Alessi Looks Out For Connecticut in “Healthy Rounds”
Dr. Anthony Alessi is the host of “Healthy Rounds” on WTIC NewsTalk 1080. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the show has gone to a daily format from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
March 26, 2020 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications