Health & Well-Being
State’s Leading Institutions Launch International Effort to Advance Metabolic Research
UConn, Yale University, and the Jackson Laboratory linked with Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel to collaborate on projects that swiftly move investigations into clinical application and commercialization.
October 27, 2016 | Kristen Cole
What Do We Know about Marijuana’s Medical Benefits?
A UConn expert from the Center for Advancement in Managing Pain says the research has been sparse and the results mixed.
October 27, 2016 | Steven Kinsey, West Virginia University, & Divya Ramesh, UConn School of Nursing
Power of Possible: UConn Health Keeping Baseball Player in the Game
Injured baseball player Anthony Giansanti was successfully treated at UConn Health with an advanced natural treatment called platelet-rich plasma.
October 26, 2016 | Lauren Woods
Survivor Seeks to Raise Awareness about Male Breast Cancer
After successful treatment at UConn Health, Norman Smith is now passionate about raising awareness about male breast cancer.
October 18, 2016 | Lauren Woods
Eliminating the Wait and Worry of Breast Cancer Screenings
'Our goal is to get each woman their screening results in 15 minutes,' says the head of women's imaging at UConn Health.
October 6, 2016 | Lauren Woods
Changes in WIC Food Assistance Program Pay Off in Healthier Purchases
WIC participants are buying healthier foods overall as a result of changes introduced in 2009, says UConn Rudd Center researcher.
October 5, 2016 | Daniel P. Jones, UConn Rudd Center
When Push Comes to Shove: Size Matters for Particles in Bloodstream
A UConn engineer’s quantitative analysis of particles in the bloodstream could aid the development of more effective cancer drugs.
October 4, 2016 | Colin Poitras
UConn Health Ceremony Heralds Success of Bioscience Connecticut
Gov. Malloy and legislators joined University leaders today to celebrate the opening of new biotechnology research space.
September 22, 2016 | Lauren Woods
Adding Dad to Kids’ Diet Decisions
A new UConn study is taking a look at combating child obesity with a father-focused approach.
September 21, 2016 | Kim Colavito Markesich
World’s Top Researcher of Rare Genetic Liver Disease Coming to UConn Health
Dr. David A. Weinstein’s program on Glycogen Storage Disease is the largest clinical and research effort of its kind in the world.
September 19, 2016 | Lauren Woods