Health & Well-Being

Phone near a computer

Are ChatGPT Exercise Recommendations Just What the Doctor Ordered?

According to a new study, ChatGPT’s output provided only 41% of the content expected in a gold-standard exercise recommendation

A photo illustration showing a packet of supplements containing the substance kratom, along with a bottle of pills that contain it.

The Kratom Controversy: Nearly 2 Million Americans Are Using a Substance Banned in Multiple States

The FDA says kratom is addictive and warns against its use, while it can be found online and in smoke shops and gas stations

Women presenting to group

71 Going on 32: Patient Tells of ‘Successful Aging’

Advises UConn medical students on caring for older adults

An older woman sits alone in her kitchen, half hidden by shadows, staring pensively out her window.

For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Two Drugs May Be Better Than One

'Depression is not a normal part of aging. Nothing could be further from the truth'

A hand clad in blue surgical glove holds a syringe and vial of MMR vaccine.

Measles: Harbinger of Herd Immunity Concerns

Connecticut in relatively good position to fight off resurgence, says UConn Health expert

A UConn Waterbury student leads middle schoolers in one of the hands-on activities offered by the new program.

Allied Health Sciences Launches Hands-On Health Education Program at UConn Waterbury

The project gives Waterbury middle schoolers a chance to learn firsthand from UConn students and faculty

Maureen Marchetti, and her husband Jim, on Jan. 25 with her UConn Health Vascular Surgeon Dr. Justin D’Addario celebrating her big day of being the first in New England to undergo the DETOUR procedure for severe PAD (UConn Health Photo/Carolyn Pennington).

UConn’s Vascular Surgeons Take DETOUR to Save Woman’s Toes, Foot, and Leg from Peripheral Arterial Disease

Maureen Marchetti was the first patient in New England to be offered an alternative to major open leg artery bypass surgery with a new technology called DETOUR

Female students speak with a patient

UConn Physical Therapy Program Integrates Mental Health Education, Treatment

This approach leverages physical therapists' unique training in both exercise and making personal connections with patients

A doctor in a white lab coat speaks with a patient in her office.

Rudd Center Launches ‘Supportive Obesity Care’ Website

Resource is designed to help clinicians provide supportive care to patients of all body sizes

Four bottles of a dietary supplement containing the potentially dangerous ingredient tianeptine.

Known as ‘Gas Station Heroin,’ Tianeptine is Being Sold as a Dietary Supplement – with Deadly Outcomes

The synthetic drug has been linked to addiction, seizures, kidney damage, and death