Coming to Grips with Climate Change
An effective education must prepare students to tackle the unfamiliar and difficult, says CLAS dean.
January 19, 2011 | Jeremy Teitelbaum
A Personal Decision – Genetic Counselors Provide Valuable Guidance for Cancer Patients
As the saying goes, information is power – especially when it comes to your health. This was the message that inspired Sandra Naylor to make an appointment with UConn Health Center genetic counselor Robin Schwartz to understand her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Sadly, Sandra had just lost her mother to ovarian cancer and […]
January 18, 2011 | Maureen McGuire
Fake Pot Spurs Increasing Number of Calls to Poison Center
Members of the public are encouraged to seek further information and report exposures.
December 17, 2010 | Carolyn Pennington
Pharmacy Professor Awarded Prestigious Grant for Cancer Research
Kyle Hadden is studying the preventive and therapeutic effects of vitamin D on cancer treatment.
November 18, 2010 | Megan Zabilansky
Veterans Honored
The honor guard retires the colors at the end of the Veteran's Day ceremony held beside the Ultimate Sacrifice memorial on Nov. 11. Photo by Peter Morenus
November 12, 2010 | Peter Morenus
Extension System Helps Military Kids Survive Deployment
UConn's Extension Centers are addressing the needs of children with parents serving overseas.
November 11, 2010 | Richard Veilleux
Artificial Antibodies Hold Promise for Fighting Cancer, Other Diseases
UConn researchers are developing artificial antibodies that will deliver drugs directly to cells.
October 26, 2010 | Tim Stobierski, CLAS ’11
Hemp Produces Viable Biodiesel, UConn Study Finds
Industrial hemp, which grows in infertile soils, is a potential source of sustainable diesel fuel.
October 6, 2010 | Christine Buckley
‘Bootcamp’ for Disabled Veterans Opens Doors to Entrepreneurship
As part of a national program, UConn is training disabled veterans in how to start up a business.
September 23, 2010 | The UConn Foundation
Veterans Recognized at Rentschler
UConn alumni and students who are veterans were honored Sept. 11 during the football game.
September 14, 2010 | Kenneth Best