Climate change
In Connecticut, Climate Change is Another Way to Say Opportunity
A forum on UConn’s role in Connecticut’s energy future
November 17, 2022 | Kim Krieger
Using Monsoons of the Past to Predict Climate Conditions of the Future
A team of researchers used ancient climate data to predict how the summer monsoon may change in the North American southwest
November 10, 2022 | Combined Reports
‘Insects Need Our Help in a Warming World, Now’
If no action is taken to better understand and reduce the impact of climate change on insects, scientists warn we will drastically limit our chances of a sustainable future with healthy ecosystems
November 7, 2022 | Combined Reports
New Fuel Cell Gets New Look, Thanks to Student Design
The student design competition has helped spread awareness about the newly installed fuel cell at the Depot Campus
November 1, 2022 | Tanajah Fryer and Matthew Mancini
‘The Problem is Nature Just Isn’t Natural Anymore’
As Connecticut’s trees are pushed to the brink by climate change, UConn researchers are working to help make New England woodlands more resilient
October 31, 2022 | Elaina Hancock
State and Industry Leaders Address Grid Resiliency at UConn Engineering Conference
UConn will play a key role in ensuring energy security in the coming decades
October 25, 2022 | Kim Krieger
Smart Responses to Immediate Needs: Assessing the Scale of CT’s Urban Heat
CIRCA researchers are working to pinpoint the hottest spots in cities and help direct mitigation and policy strategies and build resilience in a changing climate
October 20, 2022 | Elaina Hancock
Opening the Gates for Arctic Science
This work provides fundamental understanding of how the Arctic is responding to climate change
October 19, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
The Travails of an Alewife: Dams, Drought, and Climate Change
UConn researchers are studying the alewife – a threatened species and vital food web component -- for clues on how CT waterways and their inhabitants will adapt to climate change
October 18, 2022 | Elaina Hancock
Climate Venture Studio: A Comprehensive, Collaborative Approach to a Cleaner Planet
The program will identify startups focused on critical dimensions of the climate challenge with innovative solutions for decarbonization, alternative energy, planetary resilience, social impacts, and more
October 12, 2022 | Combined Reports