University Life

Campus Master Plan Finalized, Available Online

Printed copies of the document will be distributed later this month.

Atticus (Gregory Peck) and Tom Robinson (Brock Peters) in court, screenshot from the film To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). (By Moni3 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

UConn Reads: Wrestling With Race

The chair of the UConn Reads Steering Committee discusses how 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' one of the books nominated, is painfully relevant to the present.

A candle burning.

Emeritus Education Professor Richard Dempsey Dies

A professor of educational leadership for more than 20 years, Dempsey worked closely with Connecticut schools.

Cathy Schlund-Vials reads a book in the Wilbur Cross Reading Room. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Race in America is This Year’s UConn Reads Theme

Cathy Schlund-Vials, chair of the UConn Reads Steering Committee, says she turns to literature to understand contemporary events.

A candle burning.

Emeritus Professor of Political Science George Cole Dies

Cole, a former department chair, was an expert on prosecution, courts, and corrections.

The POW/MIA flag. (iStock Photo)

UConn to Fly POW/MIA Flag On Key Dates

UConn will raise the POW/MIA flag near the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial on several days during the year, beginning with Armed Forces Day May 16.

Workers from Piano Movers Inc. of Nashua NH roll a new upright piano into the Music Building on May 7, 2015. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Quality Performance: Upgrading UConn’s Piano Inventory

The recent delivery of 12 new Steinway pianos to the Music Department is a major step toward the University's goal of being an all-Steinway institution.

Students pose with the Husky mascot at the Senior Send-off outside the Alumni Center on April 28, 2015. (Elizabeth Caron/UConn Photo)

Seniors Today, Huskies Forever

Hundreds of members of the Class of 2015 enjoyed the food, music, and fun at the first annual Senior Send-off event on Tuesday.

JJ Bivona '16 (CLAS) in the lab on April 16, 2015. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

#WhyWeAreHuskies: Being a Student-Athlete

A video profile of biology major and football player JJ Bivona '15 (CLAS) is the fifth and final in this year's week-long series.

Members of the UConn Skydiving Club prepare to jump from an airplane over campus on April 25, 2015. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Falling for UConn

Members of the UConn Skydiving Club jump from 9,000 feet and land on the Great Lawn of the Storrs campus.