
Which Patients Benefit Most from Immunotherapy? This Tool Can Tell

Identifying effective treatments early can save cancer patients from months of fruitless therapies

A Broken Rib Leads to Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Husband and Wife

Long-time smokers Kim and Henry Siccardi both were diagnosed with lung cancer. Early detection due to lung cancer screenings saved their lives.

Start with Day One- You Can Quit

Smoking remains the single largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world. Today is The American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. Dr. Judith Cooney shares about the risks of smoking and smoking cessation program I CAN Quit – Nicotine and Tobacco Treatment for Individuals with CANcer

UConn Doctors Provide Lung Cancer Screenings for the Community

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and UConn Health doctors were in the community providing complimentary lung cancer screenings to underserved populations.

Young breast cancer survivor Jennifer Skitromo

Breast Cancer in Young Women: A Survivor’s Story

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Jennifer Skitromo never thought that at age 34, and with no family history, that breast cancer was something she needed to be concerned about. Read her story of survival.

UConn Immunology Researcher Unraveling Relationship Between Cytokines and Colorectal Cancer

Kepeng Wang is paving the way to better colorectal cancer treatments by interrogating the multifaceted relationship between cytokines and colon tumors.

Breast Cancer Patient Shares Her Journey to Help Others

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is designated as a time is to support those who have been through and are going through, the difficult breast cancer journey. In addition, it has a goal of raising awareness of ways in which this deadly disease can be avoided and found earlier.

Cancer Doesn’t Stop for COVID

Cancer doesn’t wait for COVID and delaying care can cause a higher risk to patients

UConn Health Researcher Studying Walnuts’ Ability to Reduce Colon Cancer Risk

Daniel Rosenberg is investigating how, and why, walnuts could reduce colon cancer risk factors, paving the way for new individualized nutrition treatments.

Cancer Research Award for UConn Internal Medicine Resident

The American Society of Hematology selects Dr. Joshua Fein among the recipients of its 2021 HONORS Award.