UConn’s Neag School Alum Miguel Cardona Tapped to Be Biden’s Education Secretary
Miguel Cardona ’01 MA, ’04 6th Year, ’11 Ed.D., ’12 ELP has been selected by President-elect Joe Biden to be the next US Secretary of Education.
December 22, 2020 | Shawn Kornegay and Stefanie Dion Jones
UConn to Recognize Employee Achievements During Pandemic
The perseverance and innovation UConn's faculty and staff have shown during the pandemic will be recognized in a virtual ceremony in January.
December 22, 2020 | Combined Reports
Bury Christmas, And a Happy New Use: Repurposing Christmas Trees to Prevent Coastal Erosion
When Christmas is over, those formerly-decorated trees may have a new purpose in protecting Connecticut beaches and marshes from erosion.
December 22, 2020 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Health Workers ‘Feeling Great’ a Week After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine
A week after getting vaccinated against COVID-19, UConn Health workers say they're feeling well and excited to see the vaccine roll out across the state.
December 22, 2020 | Lauren Woods
Citing Friendship, in Academia and Beyond
Friendship is an oft-avoided term in the workplace, but it can be an essential component for success, especially among members of marginalized groups.
December 21, 2020 | Jaclyn Severance
Scholarship ‘Releases Stress’ on First-Generation UConn Student
Cristal Arguello says her scholarship enables her to pursue important research without worrying about how to make ends meet.
December 18, 2020 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation
UConn, Sea Grant’s Bob Pomeroy: Dedicated to Improving Marine Ecosystems Around the World
Bob Pomeroy, who recently retired from his post as an extension specialist and marine resource economist with Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn, has spent his career working on research and development projects with small-scale fisheries in Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
December 18, 2020 | Judy Benson, Connecticut Sea Grant
Hawley Armory, Named For a Military Typhoid Fever Victim, Now Home To COVID-19 Testing
Hawley Armory's newest use as a site for on-campus employee COVID-19 testing brings the history of the building back full circle to its namesake -- Willis N. Hawley.
December 17, 2020 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
With Global Challenges in Mind, Keeping a Decades-long Success Story at the Forefront
The world's success in addressing the crisis of acid rain could serve as a template for tackling similar challenges.
December 17, 2020 | Elaina Hancock
UConn Health’s Dr. David Banach Explains the COVID-19 Vaccine
UConn Health's Dr. David Banach talks about the COVID-19 vaccine - what it does, what to expect when getting it, and what might come next.
December 16, 2020 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)