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Reynolds, far left, and Iassogna, third from left, before Game 3 of the 2015 American League championship series in Toronto.

UConn Magazine: Play Ball!

From spitballs to spin rates, these two alums have stayed with every curve thrown at them in a combined four decades of umpiring Major League Baseball.

UConn students Robert Avena (left) and Sumeet Kadian (right) pose for a photo in front of the Hop River Trail tunnel in Bolton Notch State Park that runs under Interstate 384 in Bolton, CT

For Popular Trail, There’s Light at the End – and the Beginning, and the Middle – of the Tunnel

UConn students' Service Learning project will help make the Hop River Trail safer for the thousands of bikers and pedestrians who use it

The UConn Fine Arts Complex. The School of Fine Arts celebrates its 60th anniversary this year.

School of Fine Arts Celebrates Diamond Anniversary

Sixty years of innovation, dynamism, and creativity for arts education in Connecticut

Head of the UConn Rudd Center, Rebecca Puhl speaks at a recent media empathy foundation event

Rudd Center’s Puhl Featured on Panel Addressing Weight Stigma in the Media

The New York City event concentrated on how weight stigma is portrayed in the media and was sponsored by the Media Empathy Foundation

A family out on a trail ride on a summer day.

Who You Gonna Call? UConn Extension!

Part of a national network of Cooperative Extension Systems at land-grant universities across the country, UConn Extension reaches every community in the state to help real people solve real problems

Mike and Ashley Brannan at the annual KombuchaKon

Brother-Sister Huskies Bringing New Brew to Connecticut’s Shoreline

It’s fizzy! It’s fruity! It’s fermented! And it’s coming to the Connecticut shoreline this summer courtesy of two UConn alums and their personal love of kombucha

Photo of Ricky Hernandez standing in downtown Nashville at night

UConn Magazine: Bright Lights, Music City

“I’m with the band” doesn’t just work for groupies and roadies — it gets you past the bouncer if you’re the band’s lawyer, too.

Headshot of UConn alumnae Talitha Washington

UConn Magazine: Revenge of the Data Scientists

Talitha Washington ’98 MS, ’01 Ph.D. is turning tables on the data science that has worked against Black and Brown people — by creating science and math pathways for students of color.

Marilynn "Lynn" Malerba '08 MPA, Chief of the Mohegan Tribe and newly appointed U.S. Treasurer.

Lynn Malerba ’08 MPA Named First Native American United States Treasurer

Malerba, who is also Chief of the Mohegan Tribe, says the advanced degree she earned at UConn has helped her career in public service

Frank Costigliola outside his barn on his farm.

UConn Magazine: Giants Among Us

The first lesson imparted by Frank Costigliola as we motor and meander around his 195-acre farm a few miles from campus in Storrs is his secret to balancing research, writing, teaching, and farming: a carefully calibrated system of napping.