Research & Discovery

Vaccinia virus, visualized as blue plaques by cytochemical staining in cell culture plates.

UConn Researchers Develop ‘SMART’ Vaccines That Are Safe, Effective

A built-in safety mechanism leads to advancement in vaccines and other therapies.

Ralf Schiffler, associate professor of mathematics, received a 2013 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation. (Bri Diaz/UConn Photo)

Mathematician Earns NSF CAREER Award for Work on Cluster Algebras

Ralf Schiffler will use the funds for research and education in a growing field of abstract algebra.

Jessica Linker, a graduate student fellow at the Humanities Institute, with a woman's herbarium from the 1850s. Linker is studying female scientists in the 18th and 19th centuries. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Humanities Institute Fosters Focused Scholarship, Exchange of Ideas

Eleven scholars recently embarked on a year of intensive research and creativity as residential fellows of the Humanities Institute.

David Gregorio, director of Graduate Programs in Public Health, and State Senator Terry Gerratana, who gave the convocation address for the public health graduate students.

Convocation for Public Health Graduate Students

Terry Gerratana, state senate majority whip and chair of the legislature’s public health committee, was the keynote speaker.

Bioengineered ACL Developed by UConn Physician-Scientist Wins U.S. Patent

Dr. Cato T. Laurencin says the technology may be a new solution for torn anterior cruciate ligaments.

Face to Face with Nobel Laureates

A Ph.D. student in chemistry recounts his experiences at the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, an opportunity to meet with 34 science Nobelists.

Charles Yarish, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, left and Bren Smith of the Thimble Islands Oyster Company looks over kelp as it is harvested from Long Island Sound near Branford on May 22, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

From the Lab to the Dinner Table: Seaweed

UConn professor Charlie Yarish is helping birth a new industry up and down the East Coast.

Limmat Quai: A pedestrian-, bike-, and tram-friendly street in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo courtesy of Norman Garrick)

Measuring the Sustainability of Urban Transportation Systems

UConn researchers have developed a holistic approach to evaluate cities' transportation systems across the globe.

Solar panels at the Depot Campus on Aug. 7, 2013. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

New UConn Microgrid to Provide Power in Storm-related Outages

The University has received state funding to create an independent microgrid energy system at the Depot Campus.

George Bollas, assistant professor of chemical materials and biomolecular engineering at his lab at the UConn Center for Clean Energy Engineering on July 24, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Petroleum Researcher Awarded American Chemical Society New Investigator Grant

Chemical engineer George Bollas has received ACS funding for his research on making the synthesis of fuel more efficient.