
Salted water in the Dead Sea with salt crystals. (iStock Photo)

The Tiniest Parasites

A UConn study of bacterial parasites may shed light on how the human genome grew.

A citizen-led, community-based sustainable housing proposal developed by UConn undergraduates to address urban decay won top honors in an international competition.

UConn Students Excel in Global Ingenuity Challenge

A group of undergraduates won top honors in an international competition for a sustainable housing proposal they developed to address urban decay.

Nicholas Russo '18 (CLAS) checks hemlock trees in the Moss Tract of the UConn Forest in Willington for woolly adelgid sacs on May 6, 2016. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Sophomore Wins Udall Scholarship

Nicholas Russo '18 (CLAS) won the prestigious national scholarship for his commitment to the environment.

Manisha Desai, associate professor of women's studies and sociology, meets with Asahi Hoque '16 (CLAS) on Nov. 19, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Questioning the Scope of Women’s Health Care

An IDEA grant took UConn student Asahi Hoque to Bangladesh to probe the limitations on women's health care in the developing world.

Ornella Tempo '16 (ENG) in the lab at the Institute for Materials Science on April 25, 2016. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

McNair Scholars Pursue Path to STEM Success

Fourteen students will graduate this year from UConn’s program for low-income, first-generation, or under-represented college students hoping to pursue a Ph.D. in a STEM field.

A UConn research team led by Xianshong 'Jerry' Yang, center, developed the world's first cloned cow, Amy, in 1999. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

Mapping UConn’s Genetic History

The University has had geneticists since before genetics was a recognized field of study – indeed, before UConn was UConn.

John Ovian '17 (CLAS) in the lab. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Two UConn Students Named Goldwater Scholars

The Goldwater Scholarship is one of the most prestigious and competitive awards for students in the STEM fields.

John Ovian ’17 (CLAS) explains his research in chemistry to a fellow student at the 19th annual Frontiers in Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition. (UConn Photo/Sydney Lauro ’17 (CLAS))

Undergraduates Present Research at Frontiers Exhibition

The 19th annual Frontiers in Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition featured a record 272 undergraduate presenters.

Mark Brand, left, professor of plant science and landscaping, and Nathan Wojtyna '16 (CAHNR) look over grafted Aronia mitschurinii plants at the Floriculture Greenhouse on May 1, 2015. This project was funded by an IDEA grant. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Horticulture Student has Fruitful IDEA

With a UConn IDEA grant, Nathan Wojtyna is helping make the Aronia berry commercially viable.

Bobtail squid. (Copyright Mattias Ormestad, www.kahikai.com, reproduced with permission)

The Science of Symbiosis and the Search for New Drugs

UConn researchers are studying bacteria living inside the Hawaiian bobtail squid in the search for new drugs to fight pathogens in humans.