UConn Avery Point
A Look Back at 2015: Research at the Forefront
Twelve stories about UConn research that advances our understanding of the world around us.
December 31, 2015 | Combined Reports
A Look Back at 2015: Building Our Future
A roundup of news from UConn Nation in 2015, the first in a three-part series.
December 29, 2015 | Combined Reports
Crowdfunding is New Way to Support UConn Programs
Employees can now create an online giving page to promote a UConn cause they are passionate about.
December 22, 2015 | Grace Merritt, UConn Foundation
UConn Adopts New Four-Year Tuition Plan
The plan is designed to continue academic excellence and student success while helping address a budget shortfall.
December 16, 2015 | Stephanie Reitz
Small But Mighty: The Astounding Genome of the Dinoflagellate
UConn scientist Senjie Lin leads the way in discovering what makes this important component of marine ecosystems behave the way it does.
November 6, 2015 | Kim Krieger
Researchers Tackling Flood Maps
Current maps used to assess flood risk are like a paint roller compared to UConn's "fine brush,"
October 30, 2015 | Kim Krieger
Gardens of Coral Discovered in Gulf of Maine
A combination of persistence and cutting-edge technology pays off, as scientists discover unknown treasure off the coast of New England.
October 7, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Setting Sail for Science
Three UConn marine sciences students spent a semester at sea, conducting scientific research and learning hands-on sailing skills.
June 26, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Evolving to Cope with Climate Change
A UConn marine sciences professor is measuring the potential of an important fish species to adapt to an increasingly acidic ocean.
March 5, 2015 | tmiller
State’s Aquaculture Industry Nets Benefits from Changes in Federal Plan
UConn Extension and Sea Grant played an important role in achieving protection for shellfish farmers from the effects of natural disasters.
January 6, 2015 | Sheila Foran