Fighting Fragility Fractures
Fractures in older adults often are related to osteoporosis, and can increase the chances of additional fractures and other health problems that can be debilitating. UConn Health’s fracture liaison service takes a multispecialty approach to treating and preventing these injuries.
October 20, 2022 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
UConn Health Minute: Augmented Reality Spine Surgery
Augmented reality spine surgery allows surgeons to “see” your spine in 3D through the skin during spinal implant surgery. This “x-ray vision” gives UConn Health surgeons better control and visualization, with the goal of easier, faster and safer surgeries.
August 3, 2022 | Carolyn Pennington
Podcast: What if Your Surgeon Had X-Ray Vision?
Dr. Isaac Moss, who recently performed the first augmented reality spine surgery in central Connecticut, explains this high-tech "see-through" surgery.
July 12, 2022 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
Getting Injured Athletes Back in the Game
The UConn Institute for Sports Medicine offers return-to-play training to help athletes come back from their injuries safely and confidently
June 22, 2022 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
UConn’s Dr. Cato T. Laurencin Honored with the Distinguished Contributions to Orthopaedics Award by the American Orthopaedic Association Entering the AOA Award Hall of Fame
UConn's Dr. Cato T. Laurencin has been awarded the AOA Distinguished Contributions to Orthopaedics (DCO) Award for his remarkable personal achievement and contributions to orthopaedic surgery.
June 16, 2022 | Lauren Woods
Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Katherine Coyner Named Prestigious ELAM Fellow
Dr. Katherine Coyner, associate professor of orthopedic surgery, has been selected for ELAM's prestigious one-year leadership fellowship for women.
June 9, 2022 | Lauren Woods
Promoting ‘Whole Athlete’ Wellness at the Institute for Sports Medicine
At the Institute for Sports Medicine, research and clinical expertise join forces to support holistic recovery for athletes
May 26, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
National Accolade for UConn Health’s Dr. Lauren Geaney
American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society recognizes UConn Orthopaedic Residency Program director for her leadership in breaking down gender barriers.
May 18, 2022 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
Tech-assisted Spine Surgery Likened to ‘X-Ray Vision’
UConn Health’s leadership in minimally invasive spine surgery continues with central Connecticut’s first ‘augmented reality’ procedure.
May 13, 2022 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
UConn Health Minute: Hand Center
Your hands and wrists are critical in daily activity but also vulnerable to injury. Whether you suffer an acute injury or have a chronic condition, UConn Health’s Hand and Wrist Program offers expert care and innovative interventions.
March 16, 2022 | Carolyn Pennington