Tickets: Every Student, Every Home Game
Beginning in the fall of 2019, students will no longer need to purchase tickets for home games.
May 2, 2019 | Athletic Communications
Astronomers Assemble View of Evolving Universe
UConn astronomer Katherine Whitaker played a lead role in cataloging deep space images from 16 years’ worth of Hubble Telescope observations. The resulting mosaic, a composite of nearly 7,500 separate exposures, helps tell the history of the universe.
May 2, 2019 | Donna Weaver & Ray Villard, Space Telescope Science Institute
Eleven Young Scientists from UConn Win NSF Graduate Fellowships
'The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship is the gold standard when it comes to federally-funded fellowships for aspiring scientists,' says the director of UConn’s Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships.
May 2, 2019 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
‘Do Not For One Moment Think We Have No Fun’
Listen to the words of some of the women who attended UConn in the early years reflecting on the triumphs and frustrations of their lives on campus.
May 1, 2019 | Tom Breen
Commencement 2019
Whether arguing a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, leading the national dialogue on race and immigration, or heading Pratt & Whitney, the honored guests of UConn’s commencement ceremonies are leaders. The students are, too. Here are their stories.
May 1, 2019 | Kristen Cole
First Things First: Why I Joined a Fraternity
Steven Koripsky '21 (BUS) talks about how becoming a fraternity member has provided him opportunities to give back to the community.
May 1, 2019 | Angelina Reyes
Building Their Future – The Class of 2019
The Class of 2019 entered UConn in 2015 as the largest freshman cohort admitted to the University at that time. Out of nearly 35,000 applicants vying for admission, 5,200 were admitted. The Class of 2019 also set a record for the number of freshman accepted into UConn’s competitive Honors Program, with 535 enrolling in their […]
April 30, 2019 | Elaina Hancock
2019 Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients
Editor’s Note: The University of Connecticut will begin to use walk-through metal detectors at Gampel Pavilion this month as part of an ongoing commitment to safety and security. The new technology will be in place for the commencement exercises held in Gampel on Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12. Whether arguing a case before […]
April 30, 2019 | Kristen Cole
This Animal Bit onto ‘Science Cookies’ and Revealed Data
An experiment using artificial seeds, or 'cookies,' with peanuts hidden inside provided valuable information about how mammals make seed dispersal decisions based on certain seed traits.
April 30, 2019 | Elaina Hancock
Geological Record Provides a Window to Past Flora and Fauna
A new study uses soil geochemistry to link the prevalence of grass-eating mammals in the late Miocene to climate change at that time.
April 29, 2019 | Mari N. Jensen, University of Arizona