The Graduate School

UConn Ph.D. candidate Ben Ahiadu didn't own a computer until his third year of college. He's working to change that for young students in his native Ghana (Adobe Stock).

Classrooms Without Computers: UConn Grad Student Seeking to Change that in Ghana

'These kids we are talking about are in resource-limited areas. They are at a disadvantage compared to children in bigger cities and towns'

A large tree limb fallen in a residential street, flanked by orange traffic cones.

Study: Tree Trimming Pays Dividends for Eversource Customers

New England’s largest investor-owned utility’s tree trimming program increases grid reliability

A Growing Public Health Mission Since 1971

50 years later UConn School of Medicine's Department of Public Health Sciences is still growing strong and staying true to its basic science roots. Meet the Department's 7 new faculty members.

Drone still

Seeing Beneath the Trees: Using Robots and AI to Control Understory Invasive Plants

A PhD candidate and certified forester is developing a next-generation approach to invasive plant removal

The Stamford Campus. (Ryan Glista/UConn Photo)

Business Graduate Students ‘Turned on the Jets,’ Topped Nearly 500 Teams to Win Bloomberg’s First Global Trading Challenge

The student investors' trading portfolio surpassed a Bloomberg benchmark by $467,961

Mo giving a presentation at the Aspen Center for Physics in February 2020.

A Physics Ph.D. Student’s Step-By-Step Journey to Storrs and Distant Galaxies

Seeing far in the distance, even without a telescope

Student with presentation on projector screen

Biomedical Science Research Day Goes Hybrid

More than 130 joined a limited in-person group in UConn Health's academic rotunda for the 38th annual Biomedical Science Program Graduate Student Research Day.

From left to right: graduate students Brenda Milla, Maggie Khuu, and Jaseph Soto Perez, with Professor Dan Mulkey (Photo courtesy of Andre Jang).

Funding Graduate Students with Good Ideas Pays Off

Prestigious research grants help students devote themselves to exploring their theories

Graduate student Shipra Malik and Raman Bahal in the lab.

UConn Graduate Student Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences – Summer 2021

Take a look at the diverse graduate student research happening inside the School of Pharmacy's Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The UConn Health Pulse Podcast logo.

‘Urban Service Talks’ (About Interprofessional Learning)

The future physicians, dentists, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, and physician assistants who take part in the Connecticut Area Health Education Center's (CT AHEC) Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars Program are walking the walk and now, talking the talk.