School of Medicine

Kim DeGumbia talks with Dr. Danielle Luciano about the minimally invasive procedure she underwent at UConn Health. (Photo by Frank Barton)

Patient ‘Feels Like New Woman’ After Minimally Invasive Procedure

She’d been suffering for months but the usual treatments didn’t help. So Kim DeGumbia turned to Dr. Danielle Luciano at UConn Health, a Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Now Kim is feeling great and back to her normal routine. Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Female dermatologist examining female patient's skin with dermascope, carefully looking for signs of skin cancer. (Getty Images)

Melanoma’s Signature

On Melanoma Monday, UConn Health dermatologist Sam Dadras discusses his research, which found a molecular signal that could distinguish which skin cancers need more aggressive treatment.

UConn Health May 2017 Programs, Events

Here is a list of UConn Health programs scheduled for May and early June 2017. This information will be updated with any additions or other schedule changes. Free Discovery Series: “A Conversation About Multiple Sclerosis” Monday, May 1, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Cell and Genome Sciences Building, 400 Farmington Ave. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an […]

Howard Tennen Wins Faculty Recognition Award

UConn Health’s Board of Directors has named Howard Tennen, Ph.D., the 2017 winner of its Faculty Recognition Award. A Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Community Medicine and Health Care and Psychiatry, he joined UConn Health faculty 39 years ago.

Medical School Spring Awards Announced

The UConn School of Medicine held its annual Spring Awards Night ceremony on Monday, April 24. The awards recognize faculty, staff and students in the first through third years of medical school.

UConn Health researchers have found a connection between chili peppers and marijuana that could lead to new therapies for gastrointestinal disease. (Yesenia Carrero/UConn Illustration)

Chili Pepper and Marijuana Calm the Gut

UConn Health researchers have found a connection between chili peppers and marijuana that could lead to new therapies for gastrointestinal disease.

UConn Center on Aging Celebrates 30 Years

Since its founding in 1986, the UConn Center on Aging has become a national leader in advanced research, clinical trials, patient care, and medical education. Watch the video to learn how the Center is at the forefront of promoting health and independence as you age.

Dr. Pramod Srivastava, inventor of the ovarian cancer vaccine who directs the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at UConn Health (UConn Health/Janine Gelineau).

Recruitment Begins for World’s First Ovarian Cancer Vaccine Trial

The Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at UConn Health is now recruiting patients for the world’s first personalized genomics-driven ovarian cancer vaccine clinical trial.

UConn School of Medicine is implementing the new Regenstrief EHR Clinical Learning Platform into its curriculum to further enhance student access and training in electronic health records which they will need to use as future physicians (UConn Health/Janine Gelineau).

Ramping Up Electronic Health Record Training for Future Doctors

UConn School of Medicine is ramping up the education of future doctors with enhanced training on electronic health records (EHR).

Soldier Surprises Mom at Work

Paul LeMaire, a U.S. Army soldier, returned early from his service in Afghanistan and surprised his Mom at work. Watch the video of their joyous, surprise reunion at UConn Health.