Health & Well-Being

Second-year medical student Tiahna Spencer is back from a summer research internship at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, one of the National Institutes of Health. (Photo by Ronnie Gladney)

Med Student Interns at World’s Largest Biomedical Research Agency

Tiahna Spencer spent the summer at the National Institutes of Health engaged in research on systemic autoimmune diseases.

(Kristin Wallace/UConn Health Photo)

New Medical Curriculum Reflects Changes in Field

The Class of 2020 is the first to learn under a new four-year curriculum in a facility that has also been transformed.

Ellen Potter of Canton broke her hip during a sail near Block Island and stopped at nothing to get to UConn Health and its UConn John Dempsey Hospital for care (Photo: Frank Barton/UConn Health).

Woman with Broken Hip Sails to UConn Health for Care

Ellen Potter fell and broke her hip on her boat near Block Island, then sailed hours to the Connecticut shore so she could receive top-notch surgical care at UConn Health.

UConn Health researcher Kourosh Parham has found a new biomarker that may facilitate early diagnosis of hearing loss in patients before their condition becomes severe. (Frank Barton/UConn Health Photo).

Detecting Hearing Loss, Vertigo Via Blood Tests

A UConn physician-scientist has filed for patents on blood tests that can provide early diagnosis of these common disorders.

Norman Eng ’99 (BUS) at a practice track in Houston, Texas. (Credit: Norman Eng)

UConn Alum Joins USA Track and Field Medical Team

Chiropractor Norman Eng ’99 (BUS) is a member of the medical team supporting America's top athletes at the Olympics.

Student-athlete Ryan Radue ’15 (BUS) survived cancer and was able to graduate after receiving treatment at UConn Health.

The Power of Possible

A dynamic new advertising campaign to share cutting-edge medical advances at UConn Health launches this week.

Swimmer. (iStock Photo)

Early Standouts May Not Make Future Champions

A UConn researcher says U.S. sports focus too much on early performance, and that undermines our country’s potential success in the Olympics.

“This is a big clinical breakthrough in dermatology. Up to 60 percent of our patients with a suspicious skin lesion or mole are being spared a biopsy,” thanks to confocal technology says Dr. Jane Grant-Kels of UConn Health Dermatology (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

Finding Skin Cancer in a Flash

The latest advanced smart technology at UConn Health hunts for skin cancer and keeps an eye on changing moles.

Thermometer on summer day showing high temperature over 100 degrees F, and glass of water. (iStock Photo)

Beat the Heat

The medical director of the UConn Health Emergency Department discusses the symptoms of heat-related illness and how to avoid it.

Photo of an intoxicated female dancing at a nightclub and high on drugs or drunk on alcohol. Her make up is smeared like a junkie. She is either a drug addict or an alcoholic. (iStock Photo)

Summer Concerts and Party Drug a Dangerous Mix

A UConn pharmacy expert discusses the dangerous side effects of an illicit drug known as 'bath salts.'