
Niels Giffey '14 (CLAS) (Steve Slade '89 (SFA) for UConn)

International Student-Athletes Learn About American Life On and Off the Field

Dozens of student-athletes from other nations living in Storrs learn to adjust to a different way of life as well as a high level of competition in their chosen sport.

From left: James Rusling, professor of Chemistry, Bhaskara Chikkaveeraiah and Ruchika Malhotra in their lab in the Chemistry building. (UConn Photo / Jessica Tommaselli)

Chemist Improves Accuracy of Oral Cancer Detection

Chemistry professor James Rusling has developed a method to detect multiple proteins indicating that a person has oral cancer.

Repairing fishing nets, after fishing the journey.

A New Voice on the Fishery Council

The New England Fishery Management Council tackles controversial issues such as catch limits and how to manage a dwindling resource. UConn historian Matt McKenzie brings a cultural and historical perspective to the table.

A candle burning.

Former Avery Point Director Jim Baird Dies

As director of the Avery Point campus from 1975 to 1996, Baird oversaw its evolution from modest beginnings to a thriving campus community.

Grant Marsden from Tolland worked with Meng (Fred) Lu from Beijing, China (by way of Kent, Conn.) to check their coordinates. (Susan Schadt/UConn Photo)

Conservation Academy Creates Connections with the Environment

A new summer program was designed to set high school students on the path to becoming life-long advocates for the protection of natural resources.

Cliffs and coastal landscape on Martha's Vineyard (Wikimedia Commons Photo)

Climate Change on Martha’s Vineyard

A UConn graduate student used GIS data to project what could happen on Martha’s Vineyard if sea levels rise dramatically.

The Galerucella beetle feeding on a leaf of the purple loosestrife provides an efficient form of biological control. (Donna Ellis/UConn Photo)

Cooperative Extension Reaches Out to Help Maintain a Healthy Environment

UConn’s extension specialists are on the front line in the struggle against invasive species.

Bill Davenport '85 (CANR), '86 MS, right, a teacher at Nonnewaugh High School in Woodbury, gets some advice on using a micropipette from Yi Ma, left, a post-doctoral fellow, and Gerald Berkowitz, professor of plant science and landscape architecture on June 28, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

High School Teachers Get a Lesson in Identifying Genetically Modified Foods

A day-long workshop on DNA analysis gave teachers another tool to engage students in science.

Assistant professor Yao Lin is inspired by the elements of nature to create innovative materials. (Daniel Buttrey/UConn Photo)

Bio-inspired Science

Chemistry professor Yao Lin is tapping into the concepts of nature to make novel synthetic materials.

A view of the eight bed clinical resource laboratory at the Carolyn Ladd Widmer Wing, under construction at the School of Nursing on June 25, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

A Sneak Peek at Nursing’s New Widmer Wing

Staff of the School of Nursing were given a tour this week of the school's new wing, which is slated to open in the fall.