
UConn student Alex Badalucco leads a "knot" activity involving team building skills, during the Read & Raise recognition event April 23. (Shawn Kornegay/UConn Photo)

UConn Celebrates Young Readers

The top performers in a reading initiative for Hartford Public School students were recognized on campus for their achievements on Monday.

Linda Chadrys, Meg MecCabe, and Jaime Pennella of UCann Recycle take surveys and offer free UCann Recycle gear sponsored by Dasani of Coca-Cola at the UConn Earth Day Spring Fling on April 19, 2012. (Max Sinton for UConn)

Celebrating Earth Day

Hundreds of students gathered in the center of campus Thursday to celebrate UConn’s 5th annual Earth Day Spring Fling.

Arianne Magro, graduating senior, from the Avery Point Campus on March 29, 2012. (Sheila Foran/UConn Photo)

Class of 2012: Arianne Magro

Arianne Magro has combined a love of scholarship with a love of her surroundings to maximize her undergraduate years at Avery Point.

Rob Freyer

Class of 2012: Rob Freyer

Senior Rob Freyer didn’t make it through his freshman year. Critically injured in a car accident before the year ended, he has now written a novel about the experience.

Marketing to Generation Y

A marketing class is competing with schools around the country in developing a plan to help Honda market to Generation Y consumers.

Tasmanian Tiger (Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.)

Genomic Research Sheds New Light on Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

UConn biologist Andrew Pask has shown that the Tasmanian tiger had extremely low genetic variability, probably resulting from its isolation from mainland Australia.

Parag Bhuva: Promoting Worthy Principles

As a member of Active Minds and the Violence Against Women Prevention Program, this senior hopes to influence others to stand for their beliefs.

Anne Zinn '12 (CLAS) on March 29, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Class of 2012: Anne Zinn

Diagnosed with a rare eye disease in her junior year, Anne Zinn found an outlet in creative writing and now hopes to build a career around it.

Man playing a clarinet.

UConn in the Big Easy

About 50 UConn students help out by renovating homes in the Upper Ninth Ward neighborhood of New Orleans.

Class of 2012: Aaron Hayes

Senior Aaron Hayes worked with young burn survivors in South Africa and found a focus for his future.