Mapping HIV Prevention Efforts
A UConn researcher is using GIS to analyze how environment, culture, and politics can affect the efficacy of HIV prevention interventions.
December 1, 2011 | Beth Krane
The Piano Man Talks About His Music
During a Q&A session at Jorgensen Tuesday, Billy Joel related anecdotes, offered advice, and invited some of his audience to perform with him on stage.
Out and About
How UConn started a movement to establish a community atmosphere for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students to become one the nation’s most LGBT-friendly campuses.
November 29, 2011 | Mary Howard
Michael Moore Speaks His Mind to Appreciative Audience
Award-winning documentary film maker Michael Moore spoke on campus as part of the 'Pen Warmed Up In Hell' lecture series sponsored by the Mark Twain House and Museum.
November 28, 2011 | Erik Duda
UConn Students Around the World
Each semester, UConn students fan out across the globe to study abroad. Their photos document the people and places they encounter.
Letters From London: Family Dinner
In the latest Letter from London, a UConn student studying abroad describes his new-found appreciation of food, far away from campus dining halls and home-cooked meals.
November 18, 2011 | Christopher Tinley '12
Philanthropy Day Highlights Student Giving, Alumni Donor Matches
Events are being held across campus today, to encourage students to give to the University. Their donations will be matched by two alumni.
November 16, 2011 | John Sponauer, UConn Foundation
Games from Around the Globe
Students played board games from around the world at Late Night Goes Global on Nov. 11.
November 15, 2011 | Max Sinton '15 (CLAS)
Veterans Honored at Campus Ceremony on 11/11/11
Speakers at the ceremony included President Herbst, a military science professor, and a student veteran.
November 14, 2011 | Ariel Dowski '14 (CLAS)
On 11/11, Documentary Honors 11 Veterans
'Eleven,' a documentary film resulting from a student project at the Waterbury Campus, features 11 veterans from time periods ranging from World War II to the present.
November 11, 2011 | Nicholas Forte '10 (BUS)