Research & Discovery

Race, Place, and the Uneven Distribution of Black or Hispanic Educators in CT

Editor’s Note: Jeremy B. Landa, Neag School doctoral student in the Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy program, prepared the following issue brief — in affiliation with the Center for Education Policy Analysis (CEPA) — exploring the distribution of Black or Hispanic educators across Connecticut’s school districts.

Businessman shaking hands with client before meeting in office conference room

Hometown Advantage? CEOs Tend to Acquire Companies in Familiar Stomping Grounds

Companies are 2.5 times more likely to acquire firms headquartered in the state where their CEO grew up than similar firms located elsewhere, says new study.

Xiuling Lu, acting CEO of Nami and associate professor of pharmaceutics, talks with a graduate student who worked on the startup through a UConn program. (Submitted Photo)

Nami Therapeutics Startup Pursues Promising Drug Therapy

Nami Therapeutics, a collaboration by UConn and the University of North Carolina, is developing a tumor-specific radioactive therapy designed to specifically target ovarian cancer.


Weight Stigma Doesn’t Discriminate

Regardless of sexual orientation, two out of three adults enrolled in WW reported experiencing and internalizing weight stigma.

Getting to the Root of Chronic Visceral Pain

UConn biomedical engineers have won a $2M NIH grant to better understand the causes of chronic visceral pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Light from a supernova explosion in the nearby starburst galaxy Messier 82 is reverberating off a huge dust cloud in interstellar space. The supernova, called SN 2014J, occurred at the upper right of Messier 82, and is marked by an “X.” The supernova was discovered on 21 January 2014. The inset images at the top reveal an expanding shell of light from the stellar explosion sweeping through interstellar space, called a “light echo.” The images were taken over 10 months to nearly two years after the violent event (NASA)

New Study Sheds Light on Conditions that Trigger Supernovae Explosions

The research, published Nov. 1 in Science, offers a critical understanding of this physical process both in stars and in chemical systems on Earth.

Ruth Vaccaro, 94, of South Glastonbury, does leg presses at UConn Health.

Up and At ‘Em: 94-Year-Old Stronger Than Before Hip Fracture

UConn's STEP-HI study is seeing early success with a new combination of exercise training and hormone replacement for women who have experienced hip fractures.

African American educator seated at table with two preschool aged children eating fruit

Educating Educators to Help Children with High-Intensity Special Needs

UConn researchers have received a $6.5M grant from the US Department of Education to develop a program to help young children with high intensity needs due to intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Drug, pill, syringes and heroin on wooden table, drug abuses

In Connecticut, Drug Overdoses Doubled in Six Years

Cocaine, alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine, MDMA and other drugs are appearing on the toxicology reports of drug overdose victims, and often in combination, says UConn study.

(Getty Images)

Use of Emergency CPR Device Rises Despite Lack of Evidence

Although the use is increasing, mechanical CPR has not been tested for effectiveness by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), says Greg Rhee of UConn Health.