Research & Discovery

Six of this year's 11 UConn recipients of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships at the Biology/Physics Building. From left, Hetal Patel, Eric Lepowsky, Leann McLaren, Angela Lanning, Connor Ligeikis, and Shaylin Cetegen. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Eleven Young Scientists from UConn Win NSF Graduate Fellowships

'The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship is the gold standard when it comes to federally-funded fellowships for aspiring scientists,' says the director of UConn’s Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships.

Arthur Günzl, professor of genetics and developmental biology. (Pennington/UConn Photo)

Making In-Roads with Parasite Introns

UConn Health researcher Arthur Günzl has received a $450,000 grant from the NIAID to investigate the role of introns in a class of parasites responsible for several tropical human diseases: sleeping sickness, Chagas’ disease, and leishmaniasis.

An experiment using artificial seeds, or 'cookies,' with peanuts hidden inside provided valuable information about how mammals make seed dispersal decisions based on certain seed traits. (Yesenia Carrero /UConn Illustration)

This Animal Bit onto ‘Science Cookies’ and Revealed Data

An experiment using artificial seeds, or 'cookies,' with peanuts hidden inside provided valuable information about how mammals make seed dispersal decisions based on certain seed traits.

Two male glyptodonts (Doedicurus clavicaudatus) facing off: The massive, club-shaped tails were probably used more for intraspecific combat than defense against predators. ( Peter Schouten Illustration)

Geological Record Provides a Window to Past Flora and Fauna

A new study uses soil geochemistry to link the prevalence of grass-eating mammals in the late Miocene to climate change at that time.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Investigating the Genetic Linchpin of Lynch Syndrome

UConn Health associate professor of medicine Christopher Heinen has received a $1.8 million grant from the NIH to better understand certain gene mutations that cause Lynch syndrome and many hereditary forms of cancer.

Analyse Giordano (CAHNR '20) has her eyes set on med school, but there’s a lot she wants to get done first, including potentially groundbreaking research.(Carson Stifel/UConn Photo)

Meet The Researcher: Analyse Giordano ’20, Allied Health

Analyse Giordano is a junior majoring in allied health sciences at the University of Connecticut. She has her eyes set on going to med school, but there’s a lot she wants to get done first, including potentially groundbreaking research. Giordano was recently named a University Scholar and received a SURF award for her project developing […]

Analyse Giordano (CAHNR '20) has her eyes set on med school, but there’s a lot she wants to get done first, including potentially groundbreaking research.(Carson Stifel/UConn Photo)

Meet The Researcher: Analyse Giordano, CAHNR ’20

Analyse Giordano (CAHNR '20) has her eyes set on med school, but there’s a lot she wants to get done first, including potentially groundbreaking research.

Finches enjoying human junk food on the Galapagos Islands. A new UConn study found that finches drawn to junk food experience changes in their gut microbiota as compared to finches that don't encounter human food. (Kiyoko Gotanda, University of Cambridge)

Junk Food Irresistible, Even for Birds

A new UConn study found that finches drawn to junk food experience changes in their gut microbiota and body mass as compared to finches that don't encounter human food.

Nurse with a patient undergoing chemotherapy. (Getty Images)

Dental Researchers Get at Root Causes of Cancer Patients’ Mouth Sores

Oral mucositis, a common side effect of chemotherapy, is associated with detrimental changes in the oral microbiome, says new School of Dental Medicine research.

Research technician, Xiaofen Liao, works in the Geary lab at the UConn Center of Excellence for Vaccine Research (UConn Photo).

Agricultural Vaccine Research Network Established at UConn

The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture has designated UConn's Center of Excellence for Vaccine Research to be the national hub for the coordination of animal vaccine research.