Climate change

Mountains in the distance, wetlands in the foreground.

Geoscientist Among First Projects Approved by National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot 

Lijing Wang, who joins UConn in August, will develop AI models for mountain water flow that aid in climate change predictions

Mark Urban in the Arctic

Arctic-Focused Climate Change Research Initiative Earns Coveted $15 Million NSF Award

UConn Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Mark Urban will co-lead the EvoME Institute, a six-year, multi-disciplinary collaboration of experts from 14 institutions led by Woodwell Climate Research Center, UConn, and Columbia University

Climate journalist David Wallace-Wells speaks at the UConn Law Center for Energy and Environmental Law annual Earth Day Conference.

UConn Law 2024 Earth Day Conference Explores Climate Activism and the Law

'We wanted to show our attendees what real organizers are doing right here in our backyards, and to provide them with concrete opportunities to get involved'

The melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet could contribute up to 21 meters of sea level rise. There are many questions about the dynamics of the region’s glacial history and an international team of researchers is working to answer those questions to help inform our future as the ice sheet melts.

Snapshot: Miles of Mud Yield Clues About Our Climate Future

'The program has contributed massively to our understanding of Earth's climate history'

Entryway sign lit up green for St. Patricks Day and for Sustainability.

UConn Sustainability Action Plan Taking Wide-Ranging Approach to ‘Green’ Future

A framework for environmental responsibility, social equity, and economic viability

UConn researcher Brian Willis holding up nano technology in front of solar panels with the video title "Solar Nanodevice" overlaid

Solar Nanodevices

UConn researcher Brian Willis is harvesting parts of sunshine to expand the use of sunlight for energy and making clean – and climate friendly – energy more affordable

Solar panels at the Depot Campus.

UConn Successfully Pursues Energy Efficiency, Even As Campus Grows

Despite 1 million square feet of new building space, UConn's carbon footprint is smaller than it was 20 years ago

A researcher and student looking at data with a wind turbine in the background

Forecasting Wind Energy

Using a novel computer program, UConn researchers are now able to forecast weather, identify climate projections, and assess wind turbine performance like never before.

ClimateWerx students analyze materials collected at the UConn Archives & Special Collections centered around the historical ecological advocacy movements at UConn and surrounding areas with Graham Stinnett, Archivist of the Human Rights & Alternative Press Collections on February 23, 2024.

Werth Institute Pilot Helping Students Turn Climate Passion into Sustainability Action

'In the classroom, you're talking about it with people, you're talking about the social impacts, you're learning about the physical impacts, the emotional – all of it'

John Cooley, assistant professor-in-residence of ecology & evolutionary biology, poses with a jar of cicada specimens currently kept in UConn's Biodiversity Research Collections

Rediscovered Photos, an Unlabeled Jar Full of Cicadas, and an App

New data recently emerged that helps fill in some gaps in UConn’s long and ongoing legacy of studying these unique insects