Community Impact
STAAR: The Unique Class in the Basement of UConn’s Sprague Hall
'We benefit just as much from this interaction ... as the S.T.A.A.R. students do,' says Inge-Marie Eigsti of UConn's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
April 29, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Students Use Modern Engineering to Restore Historic Hartford Tower
Keney Memorial Clock Tower's original chimes are now ringing again, thanks to a partnership between UConn and the City of Hartford.
April 26, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
UConn Professors Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Cato Laurencin and physics professor Nora Berrah are among the academy's 239th class, along with former First Lady Michelle Obama, and other leaders.
April 17, 2019 | Combined Reports
Multiplying Their Options
Nearly 240 8th-grade girls from middle schools around the state came to campus Wednesday for a one-day conference aimed at exposing them to female role models in the STEM fields.
April 5, 2019 | Christopher LaRosa
UConn Health Expands Robotic Surgery Capabilities
Dr. Eric Girard, a surgeon who specializes in colorectal surgery, says use of the new robot can translate to 'people feeling better faster and getting back to their families and their jobs sooner.'
April 4, 2019 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
Fighting the Opioid Epidemic With Data
UConn Health is part of a collaboration that aims to track crucial data and create an early warning system to alert the public to opioid overdoses.
April 4, 2019 | Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
UConn Expert Discusses Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools
Educational psychology professor Brandi Simonsen, an expert on behavioral issues in schools, discusses the use of seclusion and restraint and alternatives to their use.
April 4, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Citizen Science Shows Climate Change is Rapidly Reshaping Long Island Sound
At 0.45 degrees Celsius per decade, the Long Island Sound is warming four times faster than the global ocean, according to a UConn study based on four decades of data.
April 3, 2019 | Hannes Baumann, Marine Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
‘If We Were Birds’ Reflects Long History of Sexual Violence
The Connecticut Repertory Theatre’s modern adaptation of a story from Greek mythology shows that sexual violence has been chronicled for centuries.
April 3, 2019 | Kenneth Best
Engineering Their Future
More than 200 8th grade boys from underrepresented backgrounds attended an event on campus April 1 to learn about key concepts and techniques in science and engineering.
April 2, 2019 | Christopher LaRosa