Tolland County

Students playing the cello, violin, and piano who are participating in the Jorgensen Outreach for Youth program

Jorgensen Conservatory Program Helps Area Teens Find JOY! in Music

'It's completely changed my life. I wouldn't be a professional musician without it'

UConn-Trained Future Doctors Meet Their Match

This is the day UConn School of Medicine students find out where their journey will take them next

man works on machinery

Fostering Innovation and Fueling Economic Growth in Connecticut

UConn is uniquely able in our region to create networks of large, small, and now medium businesses with strong connections to our knowledge base to foster innovation and fuel economic growth

Operation Community Impact: Still Helping Connecticut Residents in Need

Since April 2020, more than 220,000 pounds of dairy products have been delivered to Connecticut families in need

A view of Horsebarn Hill at sunset. An abundance of outdoor resources exists at UConn.

Get Your Daily Dose of the Great Outdoors with NatureRx at UConn

A resource aimed at getting people outside and exploring the abundance of nature on our doorstep

Sustainability, Community, and Food – Theory Meets Action for UConn Undergrads

Where 'learning by doing' means baking bread, growing vegetables, and working for justice

Out of the Woods: Products from the UConn Forest Provide Educational, Environmental Benefits

The UConn Forest is vital for teaching, research, and extension work done at UConn, as well as boosting wildlife habitats and watershed protection

On left, UConn Health Registered Nurse, Savannah Jaspering administers the COVID-19 vaccine while at the Hawley Armory in Storrs last spring

UConn Reports 94% of Incoming Storrs Residential Students Fully or Partially Vaccinated

Student vaccination rate far exceeds the state and national figures

A student at BRAIN Camp, mixes corn starch and water to make oobleck during a camp activity.

Five Weeks at B.R.A.I.N. Camp Could Give Kids a Brighter Future 

Fun activities, new friends, and EEG scans are all part of helping kids overcome learning difficulties at B.R.A.I.N. Camp. 

Andy Sadlon '80 is looking to reinvigorate an old energy technology for a new era.

How an Alumnus-Run Company is Putting a New Spin on an Ancient Renewable Energy

Making hydroelectric power affordable and compact for an era where clean energy is in growing demand