School of Medicine

UConn Health and JAX Partner to Train Future Generation of Genomic Scientists

Researchers at UConn Health and The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine are collaborating on a training program for the next generation of genomic scientists.

Dr. Imitola speaking to patient in exam room

COVID Challenges for Neurological Conditions

Despite early data suggesting people with multiple sclerosis and others on immunosuppressant medications tend not to have a harder time with COVID-19, the head of UConn Health’s MS program explains what concerns him about these patients during this pandemic.

Congratulations 2020 Nightingale Award Winners

Please join us in applauding this distinguished group of award winners recognized by their nursing colleagues for their excellence and dedication to nursing at UConn Health.

Little Girl Gives Back to COVID-19 Nurses at UConn Health

It's National Nurses Week! In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic a toddler from West Hartford has decided to spend her extra time doing some good for the nurses on the frontlines caring for patients at UConn John Dempsey Hospital

Spring 2020 Scholarship Facilitation Fund Announcement

Through this program, the OVPR is able to provide up to $2,000 to UConn faculty across all disciplines, on a competitive basis, to promote, support, and enhance research, scholarship and creative endeavors.

Parents with their newborn in labor and delivery

Delivered During Pandemic

Having your first child can be nerve-wracking enough; meet a UConn Health resident-student couple whose baby was born into the brave new world of COVID-19.

Female hands doing diabetes prick test

UConn Health Researcher Investigates Potential Therapeutic Target for Insulin Resistance

Ming Xu, a researcher in UConn's Center on Aging has received a $2.2M from the NIH to study pathways related to insulin resistance.

Large UConn sign lit up at night with light trails from car traffic.

2020 Convergence Awards for Research in Interdisciplinary Centers (CARIC) Announced

UConn's OVPR recently announced the 2020 Convergence Awards for Research in Interdisciplinary Centers (CARIC), an initiative that provides up to $150,000 to interdisciplinary teams to bid for major federally funded initiatives.

UConn Health Minute: COVID-19 – Beware of Misinformation

Misinformation about the coronavirus is circulating widely online which can lead to risky or harmful actions. Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UConn Health, Dr. Kevin Dieckhaus, says make sure your information is from trusted sources.

A SpringSaLaD simulation of how molecules protruding from a cell membrane can bind to molecules diffusing in the cytoplasm to produce clusters. Shown are snapshots from 3 time points in the simulation.

Cellular SaLaD: Understanding Cellular Processes with High-Tech Modeling Software

UConn researchers have received a $1.3M grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences to maintain and foster the development of a powerful software that has helped facilitate cell biology research.