Two UConn Faculty to Advise Nation’s Policymakers on Science Issues
Two UConn professors are among 13 scientists from around the nation selected to spend the next year in D.C., contributing their expertise as Jefferson Science Fellows.
April 4, 2012 | Cindy Weiss, CLAS Today
Science Olympiad Challenges High School Students
Teams from 18 Connecticut high schools vied for medals at the Connecticut Science Olympiad at UConn on Saturday.
April 3, 2012 | Ariel Dowski '14 (CLAS)
Graduate Student Helping Others Adapt to Climate Change
A UConn master's student is working with Guatemalan villagers and policy makers to suggest strategies for agricultural adaptation in the face of major crop losses.
March 30, 2012 | Sheila Foran
An Alternative Way to Spend Spring Break
A group of UConn students in the 2012 Honors Alternative Spring Break program traveled to Appalachia to lend a hand.
March 29, 2012 | Cheryl Cranick, Honors Program
President Herbst Reaffirms UConn’s Commitment to Climate Action Plan
On Monday, President Susan Herbst, DEEP Commissioner Daniel Esty, and distinguished research professor Gene Likens participated in the signing of an expanded commitment to environmental action.
March 27, 2012 | Sheila Foran
Developing the Next Generation of Fuel Cells
A professor at UConn's Center for Clean Energy Engineering has developed a new manufacturing process that will improve fuel cell efficiency and reduce costs.
March 26, 2012 | Colin Poitras
Dunkin’ Donuts Opens at New Student Union Location
A Spring Fling event to celebrate the new Dunkin' Donuts on campus included 1,500 free donuts and a 'donut-cutting' of a five-tiered tower made of Husky-themed donuts.
March 22, 2012 | Peter Morenus
Sharielle Applewhite: A Voice for the Unheard
As a UNESCO Student Ambassador for Human Rights, Sharielle Applewhite has helped influence citizens of various regions, from Rwanda to Cherokee Nation.
March 22, 2012 | Julie Bruhn
New Private Lounge in Student Union a Haven for Veterans
UConn’s servicemen and women now have a place in the center of campus where they can study, relax, and discuss their experiences.
March 21, 2012 | Richard Veilleux
Herbst: UConn Reaching Out to the Community
From offering assistance on a local farm to taking part in hands-on service projects all over the country, UConn students amaze me with their dedication to serving the community.
March 20, 2012 | President Susan Herbst